The Campaign for Free College Tuition

As the lead digital strategist for the Campaign for Free College Tuition (CFCT), I brought together millennial groups to amplify the national message that college affordability should be a part of the conversation in the 2016 Presidential election cycle. I coordinated the messaging and timing of the digital responses to news stories about free college tuition and grew CFCT’s email list in key states such as California.

[social] In June 2015, I worked with CFCT to create a “thank you” social media campaign after Starbucks announced their partnership with Arizona State University to provide free college for its employees.GrandeIdea_1a

[email] My team helped to create interactive webinars for supporters around the country for CFCT. The content in these webinars made the free college tuition policies easier to understand.CFCT-Webinar-Email_1a

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Stop Tuition Hikes